Software Development Training League
Sé parte y potencializa tu talento.

What is Sofka University?
It is a work training institution that seeks to promote a culture of continuous learning, developing our community's full potential and talent. Our main interest is to develop the talent of people through comprehensive training from knowledge, Know how to be and know how to do, through spaces created to generate meaningful learning experiences, continuous and replicable, acquiring knowledge and skills for the benefit of all (industry, employees, community) at Latin American level.
What are our Training Leagues?
The training is spaces created to develop the talent of future Sofkians, in different leagues that are aligned to the interest and projection of each interested person.
¿Cuándo inicia el proceso de selección?
Currently, our selection process is open continuously so you can apply at any time, and you will be evaluated for the next training cycle that will start.
Note: You can only apply to one Training League at a time
Thematic Content
Software Development Training League
- Back End development
- Front End development
- Clean and Reactive Architectures
- Cloud Computing & DevOps
- Agile Mindset
What is required to participate in the training leagues?
We are looking for people who are passionate about the world of programming and technology. If you know how to program, even on your initiative, and you have discovered what you are passionate about in this world, you can participate in this league. It is open to all kinds of technologies that you develop, preferably you must know object-oriented programming.
You must know at least one programming language and have solid foundations in relation to:
- Algorithms
- Programmation logic
- Object oriented programming
It has a duration of three (3) months and requires availability from Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Will I receive financial support?
During your process, you will receive financial support, which will be delivered according to your performance during this time.
At what time are students hired by Sofka's partner companies?
Once the training stage is over, students whose performance has been satisfactory will be linked, this link will be made through an indefinite-term employment contract and they will have access to all the benefits that Sofka Technologies has.
If you are one of our selected students, you will start a training process in our software leagues. For this training stage, you will sign a commercial contract for 3 months, during which you must attend all the scheduled activities, as well as complete the virtual courses and deliver the activities within the established deadlines. This will be a theoretical-practical process, in which you will start training yourself in knowledge and later you will have the opportunity to put it into practice. The training will be 100% virtual, so you must meet the following additional requirements to participate:
- Have a computer with optimal characteristics for the development of activities
- Have an internet connection of more than 5MB
- Have an adequate workspace (desk, chair)
- You can be anywhere in Latin America.
As an applicant to the Sofka U training leagues, you will be able to make a new application if you do not complete your process according to the following conditions:
1. If you were not admitted due to technical issues, you can apply again after 6 months from the selection process.
2. If you were not admitted due to essential skills, you will be able to apply again after 1 year from the selection process.
- We are a team connected to growth.
- We have a culture of continuous improvement, fresh and collaborative where every day you can find an opportunity and most importantly people willing to support you.
- You will find technical and personal challenges.
- Bring out your best potential! with our Bekaizen program where you can grow and develop your talents where it will be a challenge and a game, accompanied by constant feedback from your leaders, mentoring and coaching from Sofka University,
- More than a company you will find a team where your physical and mental well-being is important.
- We have different programs aimed at potentiating your skills, experiencing continuous improvement daily, and promoting your physical and emotional well-being. They are called Kaizen Life and WeSofka, where you will find health policies for you, your family, and pets, enhance your second language (English), savings with purpose, gym, and more.
- Área
- Training Leagues
- Puesto
- Training de Desarrollo
- Remote status
- Híbrido
Software Development Training League
Sé parte y potencializa tu talento.
Cargando formulario de solicitud
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